Website Accessibility

This web site has been designed and developed to provide users with a more enjoyable interactive experience of


W3C Compliance

In order to ensure that the content of this site is accessible, this website has been designed and constructed in accordance with the guidelines provided by the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

The WAI guidelines state that in order for a web site to be considered accessible, it must at least conform to all Priority 1 checkpoints.

All templates on this web site conform to Priority 1 checkpoints.


Visual Design


We have tried to use colours throughout the website that provide maximum contrast between foreground and background items and also various features on the page including headers, body text, and hyperlinks.


All interface graphics and images throughout the website have been assigned an Alt-text attribute, which describes the contents or functionality of the item.

Visual design

Style-sheets have been used for all visual items and text. This means that you can change the text size form within the browser by selecting "View" and then "Text size".


PDF Files

There are some documents in portable document format for downloading on this web site.

The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be freely downloaded from: (external site)

Viewers with visual difficulties may find it useful to investigate services provided to improve the accessibility of Acrobat document: (external site)