Black Pool Mill Update

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has refused Bluestone’s planning application for Black Pool Mill and instead asked the business to resubmit its application with more detail.

The application was originally due to be discussed in December but was brought before the park’s development management committee on Wednesday, a month earlier than expected. Therefore Bluestone had not been given sufficient time to file all of its reports.

Head of projects Liz Weedon said: “At the meeting, the National Park members were pressed to make a planning decision in the full knowledge that additional information was to be presented to the authority within two weeks. As this meeting was brought forward by six weeks, we had no choice but to formally seek a deferral. Members voted against this and instead took the advice to refuse the application, on the understanding that Bluestone would have the opportunity to resubmit within 12 months.
We had been in regular contact with officers since May, thus it was a total surprise to us when without forewarning the application was scheduled for today’s meeting. We are confident that had the committee date not been brought forward, we would have been able to submit the responses that it would have dealt with the draft reasons for refusal by officers.

Decisions to approve or refuse any planning application should not be made without all of the facts.”