Bluestone wins prestigious award for staff wellbeing
Bluestone National Park Resort is delighted to have won the Wellbeing at Work Award at the annual Responsible Business Awards.
The prestigious award was revealed at a glittering ceremony in Cardiff and recognises the business’s commitment to its staff and their welfare.
The awards, organised by Business in the Community (BITC) Cymru, showcase the most responsible employers in Wales – highlighting companies that go above and beyond for their staff and communities.
For Bluestone, it is a symbol of hard work dedicated to putting staff first at its beautiful resort in Pembrokeshire.
The holiday destination offers a wide range of support to its staff, including exercise classes and nutritional guidance, to mindfulness and mental health support.
Debbie Rainbow, Director of Human Resources and Health & Safety for Bluestone, said: “We’re delighted to have won this award and we’ve worked extremely hard to make sure that Bluestone’s staff know their wellbeing is a priority,
“Employees are actively encouraged to attend organised sessions of activities such as yoga or mindfulness, even during the working day. They are also all offered weekly health sessions, where blood pressure and cholesterol checks, weight management and diet advice are among the help on offer.
“Our staff is the lynch-pin of our business and therefore when they are happy and healthy, not only are they more productive and helpful, they are a wonderful asset to our business. They are better equipped to make our guests’ experience of Bluestone a very positive one.”
Wales and West Utilities, who sponsored the award, said: “Bluestone has taken a truly whole-person approach to wellbeing. They have thought about nutrition, exercise, volunteering mental health work-life balance, and more.
“The programme is literally changing the lives of employees, with one colleague losing the equivalent of a giant panda in weight.
“It is clear from the positive impact it has on staff welfare pride and teamwork that the wellness programme is here to stay. It is helping the organisation achieve its aim of happy staff and happy customers. Huge congratulations to everyone at Bluestone.”
Bluestone’s CEO, William McNamara, said: “Bluestone’s philosophy is that every person counts and that, by creating the conditions for an engaged and motivated workforce, it is possible to deliver an exceptional product. A part of this approach is genuine care for our employees’ health, safety and wellbeing, this includes physical and mental health, utilising our wellbeing programme initiatives.”
BITC Cymru director Matt Appleby said: “The Wales Responsible Business Awards are a celebration of incredible dedication by companies across Wales. We are united in a belief that business can improve lives and create a healthier society – and our winners, who fill us with optimism for the future, are exemplars of responsible business.
“Congratulations, Bluestone, on your committed responsible business practice – and for being the best of the best. We look forward to continuing working with you over the coming year.”