8 surprising traits of a middle child
If you’re the middle child in your family, you already know you’re amazing and that you have the best traits out of your siblings. You even have your own day – August 12th – when the world pays tribute to middle children across the globe.
Of course, we show no particular favouritism towards middle, oldest or youngest children at Bluestone – but you might spot a few of these traits when the middle ones are taking part in our many activities!
Here are eight traits to celebrate in middle children, no matter what day it is.
Exceptional negotiators
It isn’t unusual for a middle child to become a master of negotiation. Without the leverage of being “the oldest” or “the youngest”, they will often use the art of negotiation to get their own way.
Great leaders
Historically, middle children have proven to be very successful leaders. Did you know that 52% of all US presidents have been a middle child? That includes former presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy. Watch out for the middle children at Bluestone – probably leading the Bluestone Rangers on an adventure into the forest.
Admirably empathetic
The experience of being both a younger and older sibling makes it easier for middle children to emphasise. This often makes them the peacemaker or “glue” that holds the family together. They are probably the ones calming everyone down over the dinner table at your lodge.
Beautifully Creative
It’s not uncommon for a middle child to look for adventurous ways to express themselves. This often leads them to becoming very creative and innovative people. We’ve noticed a few in our creative workshops!
Refreshingly Laid back
By the time the second child comes along, parents are often more comfortable with their parenting style. This often makes for a more relaxed upbringing and a “laid back” second child.
Inspiringly Open Minded
Closeness to an older and younger sibling allows them to engage with different interests and opinions from an early age. This exposure leads them to become more accepting and open-minded individuals. We believe all children thrive at Bluestone when exploring new things and meeting new people, but having an open mindset certainly helps.
Amazingly Ambitious
Middle children will often strive for greatness and grow into very ambitious adults. Just ask co-founder of Microsoft and number 1 on the Forbes rich list; Bill Gates!
Wonderfully Independent
While the oldest and youngest siblings are used to getting the most attention, middle children become fiercely independent and capable.
That’s the eight traits that make middle children so great. Of course, there are many more but next time you hear the term “middle child syndrome”, you’ll know that it is in no way an insult!