Bluestone Rocks

Our guests are spreading Free Range Fun around Pembrokeshire in our new game of Bluestone Rocks! The aim of the game is to brighten others’ days by painting rocks and hiding them for other guests to find.



Making Bluestone Rocks

Find a rock (please don't remove it from the natural world) paint it and then place it somewhere in Bluestone or Pembrokeshire. Make sure it's distinctive, so you will recognise your creation when it pops up again. 

Perhaps paint your favourite activity, or what about a Pembrokeshire landmark like Pentre Ifan? Whatever you chose make sure you have fun and let your creativity fly!

You can purchase from hardware stores, craft stores, garden centres, and most large outlet stores.

If you find a Bluestone Rock

1) Take a photo with it

2) Post it to social media with #BluestoneRocks

3) Rehide the Bluestone Rock for the next person to find

4) Keep an eye on social to enjoy all our other Bluestone Rocks and see if your rock manages to travel around the country. 


Discover More

Recreate Bluestone's children's bedroom
Something To Make You Smile
Make the magic last!
An interview with the tooth fairy
Something To Make You Smile
Magic Maker


pictures courtesy of